Ai Doctor Full Health Scan Products & Services

Full Health Scan Products & Services By Ai Doctor

What we offer

We are the leaders of full health scan functional medicine to empower users to have the analytical technology at the forefront of their hands. Imagine being able to have a machine that can have a full body scan in your office, home, gym, and many other places. You are able to see your own statistical values in real-time and understand how your sleep, eating, stress, bowel movements, and other functional factors are affecting your health. Oftentimes we think that because we are eating healthy, are at an optimal weight, and exercise frequently, our health is fine and we do not need to make an improvement.

The Ai Doctor’s full body scan

will show even the fittest and healthiest people that there are still improvements in health that can be made to live in a higher state of well-being. We offer an all-in-one full body health scan for key functions of the body so that even the fittest person can use the biohacking tool to live in a better fashion. Users report that they are able to see how they may fit on the outside but have internal markers that need to be tracked to live a longer life. For example, a person can have a great body composition score but their autonomic nervous system may be very off.

In simple terms, a person may be physically fit, but they are not sleeping, digesting, or dealing with stress well. This causes severe inflammation of the brain and high fatigue. As humans, we often go for quick fixes, such as a cup of coffee instead of obtaining that hour more of sleep. The Ai Doctor full body scan will help users see the difference that little steps of taking care of themselves can do. We do not have to be perfect, but we must be aware so that we can help not only our physical body but our internal body health. 

If you are searching for Full health scan near me, full body scan near me or medical diagnostic tool near me, we invite you to come to our Ai Doctor headquarters located in Orange County, in the city of Anaheim, and see for yourself all the health metrics it offers!

Artificial Intelligence Doctor Products & Services 

Ai Doctor Pro Full Body Scan 

Each person comes with a unique set of factors of why they want us to understand their entire body in a better way. For functional medicine practitioners, they can use the Ai Doctor Pro full health scan as a key screening diagnostic tool to enable a quicker turnaround time for their patient’s results. By using data science practitioners will be able to form a comprehensive plan of care including diet recommendations and spa treatment. Practitioners can go even further by suggesting holistic health methods such as supplementation to help support key vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies affect everyone and can decrease our ability to live in a higher state of well-being. We may feel tired or on edge, without realizing that key vitamins and minerals are missing from our diet to help with these issues.

Ai Doctor Fit Full health Scan

Once pinpointed and added into the user’s daily life. They feel an overwhelming sense of freedom with the ability to live a normal life filled with less stress and greater energy. Practitioners can include chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, acupuncturists, holistic medicine clinics, integrative health centers, and anti-aging centers, and any practitioner practicing functional medicine will benefit from the Ai Doctor Pro full health scan. They will be able to see results for parameters such as microcirculation, autonomic nervous system, parasympathetic check and sympathetic check, cardiovascular test, vertebral check, body composition analysis, brain scan, and a full physical examination. 

Ai Doctor Fit Full Health Scan 

The Ai Doctor Fit full health scan is geared towards looking at functional fitness in a more holistic way. All too often fitness centers measure body fat, muscle, weight, and height, believing that these factors are the only version of health. The physical body goes far beyond what humans can see. In fact, visceral fat levels cannot be seen on a normal body composition test. Visceral fat is a key measurement of the health of an individual. Even a person with a low body fat percentage can have high visceral fat because of diet. This can entail the person being more at risk of diseases.

The Ai Doctor Fit full body scan will be able to empower fitness experts such as coaches, gyms, weight loss professionals, professional athletes, medical spas, corporate gyms, and personal home gyms. The Ai Doctor fit full body scan can give an advantage to how the body is able to recover and show the progress of changes over time, to reduce visceral fat and fluid retention, which can cause unnecessary swelling and bloating. Users who are able to have this premier service in their home can be able to understand how every aspect of their body plans into maintaining an optimal state of well-being. Live better, perform better, and have a better sense of well-being.  

How does the assessment work?

The Ai Doctor full health scan can be a very comprehensive scan to understand. We want to make it easy for you to explain to users. The body composition will give in-depth reporting on how the muscle mass, visceral fat level, fat mass, intracellular water, extracellular water, and phase angle of the body. The physical body has many features, understanding each one of them helps with a complete full physical check-up, more than a traditional doctor can see on the surface. It’s important to see where fat and muscle mass is stored. Practitioners can then carter their recommendations of workouts and recovery based on the results and recommendations.

Microcirculation will show the quality of the blood circulating in the tiny vessels throughout the body. Poor circulation can lead to a variety of chronic illnesses. The cardiovascular score will indicate where major arteries have any issues due to fiber, plaque, and other substance build-ups. The heart is essential to all functions of life and can show if cardiac event risk is high. The autonomic nervous system score will see how this part of the nervous system deals with stress, fatigue, and sleep. The brain scan will show where inflation is held because of these stressors. The vertebral score will show how the muscular spine is holding up. If we sit at a desk for work or are involved in more manual labor it is important to see where the spine may need improvement. Lastly, the wellness score will show a complete picture of how the physical body is operating and the top factors for improvement.

Our clinical team is ready and able to help with any questions regarding full health scan products & services. We want to provide premium training, education, and maintenance support around the Ai Doctor. Our care team supports your success in all aspects of the technology you buy. We encourage you to visit one of our locations to try the technology and meet our welcoming staff!