Microcirculation Score

Microcirculation Score

Microcirculation Score

The Ai Doctor’s full body scan shows an indicator called the microcirculation score. Micro means “small,” and circulation means “movement.” Microcirculation is the circulation of the blood, more specifically in the tiniest blood vessels that are in the organs. Blood flow matters because it is the life force that keeps us quite literally alive. Blood is required to move to our tissues to supply oxygen. Our blood flow is necessary to provide nutrients to different body parts. It also helps with the energy exchange of the cells. Over time and with stress, blood flow decreases, affecting the skin’s natural look. If there is good microcirculation, the skin looks more elastic and tighter.

Why Microcirculation Score Is Important?

Microcirculation simply is the forcing of the blood into these tiny blood vessels. We want good microcirculation to live longer and in optimal health. Aging is a natural part of life that can result in decreased blood flow, but we can slow the process down with better microcirculation score. The Ai Doctor scan shows a range of normal, very slight decrease, slight decrease, mild decrease, moderate decrease, severe decrease, and improvement. The full body scan views 3D imaging of the body. Users can see their score microcirculation represented. The screening diagnostic should help users feel confident in their ability to improve their microcirculation to live in a high vitality, health, and performance state.

Microcirculation Score

microcirculation score

There are more than 74,000 micro blood vessels in the body, equivalent to ⅓ of the distance around the world! You can think of your circulatory system as three parts: the heart is the traffic stop, the streets and highways are the arteries and veins, and the off-roading and back alleys are the microvessels. If any of these entrances have traffic on your way to the destination, it creates havoc, right? The same goes for the body. The Ai doctor’s whole-body scan can show these imbalances with an accurate microcirculation score. Have you ever noticed that you are freezing? Or do you have constant tingling in parts of your body? These are signs of poor microcirculation through the body. Other symptoms of poor microcirculation score include fatigue, memory loss, digestive issues, spider veins (varicose veins), and joint and muscle cramping, to name a few.

Score Assessment

If we take a look at the health scan’s micro assessment in the report, it starts with an examination of left, right, and total foot circulation. If the microcirculation score is 0 to 10, it is a severe decrease, 10 to 20 is a moderate decrease, 20 to 30 is a mild decrease, 30 to 35 is a slight decrease, 35 to 40 is a very slight decrease, and 40 and above is a normal range. Further screening diagnostics should be arranged if these ranges are out of line. This user’s microcirculation is excellent in their lower area. It is also in the upper area of the left hand, right hand, and full hands. The body 3D visual looks in normal range too.

The Ai Doctor whole body user’s microcirculation score is 76, meaning their circulation is good but can be improved. Systemic vascular resistance is the amount of force that the body is exerting through the body. If we look at the systemic vascular resistance, it indicates that it is in a normal range. Suppose the systemic vascular resistance conditions increase. In that case, this can result in low body temperature, an increase in the person’s stress response, syndromes of low cardiac output, and decreased circulation of blood through the body. High systemic vascular resistance can result in insufficient healthy red blood cells, liver scarring, and increased blood flow, which results in warm skin.

Cardiac Information

Cardiac output is the amount of blood your heart pumps out each minute and is significant because it helps supply blood to the brain and other vital organs. Increased cardiac output happens when working out. It also occurs during stroke or heart attack. Decreased cardiac output can show more complex signs of high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, cool skin, chest pain, and fainting. In this user’s microcirculation score report, the cardiac output has a moderate, almost severe decrease. The practitioner should recommend further screening diagnostics for the cause of this issue.

The stiffness index describes how rigid the walls of the arteries are. Arteries become harder with aging. Over time, the wall of the arteries loses stiffness, natural. However, this process can speed up because of the direct effect of diet, nonexercising, and smoking. Plaque gets built up in the arteries and increases the risk of more rigid arteries. An easy way to see if you have arterial stiffness is if you are 40 years old and cannot get your fingers to your toes, then it could be a sign that your arteries are not maintaining flexibility. Eating a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, proteins, and complex carbs is essential, exercising often and consistently, stopping smoking, and having your cholesterol checked regularly. In this, users report their stiffness index needs improvement. This user could have additional screening diagnostic tests to see if they are at risk for cardiovascular issues.

Microcirculation is a crucial part of how users should measure their cardiovascular health. Even if users are in a good score, further analyze the information should happen to understand how to improve their scores. Impaired microcirculation can increase the risk of cardiac events independent of blood pressure.  A good Microcirculation score is essential for all functions of the body.