Dietary Suggestions

AI Doctor Dietary Suggestions

Dietary Suggestions

The Ai Doctor’s diet can provide a guideline for food choices. What we eat is connected to health. Diet is key as it shows how we respond to the environment. If we have a diet full of processed foods, it can lead to illnesses. Instead, if we have a diet filled with vegetables, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats it will improve our well-being and that is why dietary suggestions are important.

Our diet can be the last thing on our minds causing us to grab what is easy and quick. We often do not think about how these small choices can lead to health issues. If we stick to a good diet, however, we can live in better health.

How to use dietary suggestions report

Medical, Fitness, and Spa experts can use these dietary suggestions as a guide. This helps them change their client’s health. The Ai Doctor caters to its suggestions based on each person’s health needs. Use the Ai Doctor’s dietary suggestions as a starting point to help clients meet their health goals.

What is a healthy diet?

The Ai Doctor’s dietary suggestions balance carbs, proteins, and fats. The report has options on what to eat for good health. The most basic include eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and milk products. It also includes seafood, lean meats, eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, and soy products (such as tofu). The Ai Doctor’s dietary suggestions include foods that do not have too much sugar or sodium. The name of the game is to check labels when you are shopping. As a rule of thumb, go for food with the least amount of ingredients.

Stick to Organic if possible

The Ai Doctors’ dietary suggestions, recommend choosing organic options over non-organic options. Why choose organic food? Non-organic foods have chemical fertilizers. This helps grow vegetables or fruits and prevents pests. These fruits and vegetables may look more pleasing but contain chemicals that can cause illnesses. The food in the dietary suggestions should be as organic if possible.

What to avoid

Basic dietary suggestions are to avoid processed foods and white flour. Processed foods can range from fast-food to everyday food we see in grocery stores. We freeze, can, or bake foods to process them. It is vital to eat fresh food as often as possible.

Avoid processed foods because they create unhealthy sugar, sodium, and fat levels. Food processing can make food taste better and last longer. Too much can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Therefore, the dietary suggestions warn against them. The reason for this is that processed foods lack nutrients. Fresh foods have the most nutritional value, which is what the Ai Doctors’ dietary suggestions focus on. 

The dietary suggestions advise to reduce salt, alcohol, and sugar. Barbecuing foods, smoking animal proteins, and reusing cooking oil are also not advised because they can raise illness risks. Suggestions like these can help clients reach their health goals. Goals from increasing their heart health to decreasing their BMI. The Ai Doctor dietary suggestions help clients in every walk of life to change their lifestyles for the better.


The Ai Doctor’s dietary suggestions look at the entire body to assess nutrient needs. Let’s look at this user’s dietary suggestions. On the left side, we can see the “not recommended foods”, and on the right side, “recommended foods”. The Ai Doctor will show these suggestions side by side so that they can see what foods and help and what do not.

Why not ALL vegetables are recommended

Not all vegetables are as helpful as others. The vegetables in the “Not Recommended” side tend to cause gut inflammation. Depending on the user, these can include some nightshade vegetables. Examples of nightshade vegetables are potatoes, peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes.

The dietary suggestions will not recommend certain vegetables because they can lead to an overgrowth of yeast. This can lead to more serious gut issues. Taking a break from foods that are not on the dietary suggestions list allows the gut to reset. However, some can be eaten again after the gut has healed.

Why so many restrictions?

The dietary suggestions have more limits on food than it recommends which can be daunting. This is because the body is complex and highly reactive to diet changes. People have to maintain a diet best suited to their their body’s needs. We can see in this user’s recommendations that animal or plant proteins are not recommended. So, this person should focus on a plant based diet.

Experts can talk with their clients about dietary suggestions and form a simple health plan. Users can start small with changes and work up to larger ones. For example, if this user cannot stop meat altogether, they can at least only eat lean meat. The same can be said for sugar or processed foods; they can start small by only having one cookie a day instead of five, or one processed meal instead of 3, etc. Consistent small changes are better than inconsistent large ones.

Daily energy expenditure

The scan’s dietary suggestions also goes into the client’s daily energy expenditure. This is the total amount of calories this person burns when physically active during the day. The daily energy expenditure helps experts understand how much training their client needs to have an a healthy body composition.

Dietary recommendations looks at the value of each calorie when looking at the daily energy expenditure. Not all calories are created equal. A gram of carbohydrates and protein will produce four calories of energy. One gram of protein has nine calories of energy. Dietary recommendations of calories around the daily energy expenditure are based on the person’s size and physical activity.

Cooking Dietary Suggestions

Cooking Suggestions

The dietary recommendations also show clients the best way to cook their foods. For example, this user should steam their foods and use olive, peanut, or palm oil when cooking.

The Ai Doctor’s dietary suggestions do not want users to reuse oil because of health risks. Reusing the oil is not good because it can rot or spoil if left out for a long time. There is also a possible connection between breast cancer and the frequent reuse of oil. The dietary suggestions are to use the oils that lower inflammation or high heat points.

Micronutrients Dietary Suggestions

The dietary suggestions comprehensively looks at any lacking nutrients the client may have. Nutrients are the key vitamins and minerals that clients need for their bodies to work well.

The suggestions will pair certain foods because it improves the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. This is called food synergy. The overall goal of the dietary suggestions is to help clients understand what foods can lead to healing and what can lead them to illness. As experts, teaching clients about their health is what will make the biggest change in the long run.