Cardiovascular Test Score

cardiovascular test score

Cardiovascular Test Score By Ai Doctor

The Ai Doctor’s full body scan shows the cardiovascular test score as a 3D heart image. The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, which contains the blood vessels, arteries, and veins. It transports nutrients and oxygen to all body parts for essential life functions such as eating, sleeping, walking, etc. It carries oxygen to the blood and removes carbon dioxide. In addition, the cardiovascular system removes waste from the metabolism. Ultimately it protects the body from disease and infection. The Ai Doctor’s cardiovascular test score shows an individual’s cardiovascular health.

Without an excellent cardiovascular test score from the Ai Doctor’s health scan, we would have serious health concerns. The cardiovascular system plays a vital role in helping meet the daily demands of the body. If the cardiovascular system is off, we could experience various symptoms. Put simply, blood delivers oxygen to the cells. Cells are needed to keep a person alive by providing nutrients to all body parts. Without oxygen in the cells, the cells would not be active. If cells do not circulate in the body, a person can die. Circulation is vital for good cardiovascular health, which results in an excellent cardiovascular test score. Suppose the cardiovascular system fails in any way because of a lack of circulation (e.g., oxygen). In that case, we will not have long to live.

cardiovascular test

How do I maintain a healthy cardiovascular system?

An accurate cardiovascular test score is integral to the Ai Doctor scan. It represents the heart’s health, which is essential for all body functions. Unfortunately, cardiovascular diseases and occurrences cause one in every three deaths. Cardiovascular diseases and events can include heart failure, strokes, heart disease, heart attack, renal failure (kidney failure), and arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). In addition, cardiovascular issues can occur because of lifestyle choices, such as not having a healthy diet, obesity, high levels of cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the cardiovascular test score.

Good Circulation

Good circulation increases cardiovascular health and test scores and is necessary for all body functions. Healthy eating, drinking water, and exercising helps prevent cardiovascular disease. It is crucial to have a BMI in the height range. A person doesn’t have to hit the gym vigorously to lose weight. A straightforward way is to cut 500 calories daily out of the diet and increase the number of daily steps taken. A person can lose as much as one pound a week. This will also help reduce high blood pressure, as the heart will have more endurance and less variability in force. The Ai Doctor cardiovascular test score will show an imbalance in the heart’s blood pressure and the heart’s rate per minute. Monitoring these values is essential in living a long and healthy life.

Cardiovascular Test Score & Endurance

The more fit a person is, the greater their cardiovascular test score and endurance. Exercise is essential for good cardiovascular health. Walking, running, biking, and performing resistance training increase the heart’s ability to function optimally, which results in a better cardiovascular test score. Performing these types of activities prevents plaque build-up. It also enables the body’s natural ability to produce nitrite oxide. Nitrite oxide in a low supply causes damage to the cardiovascular system. Nitrite oxide lines the blood vessels keeping them flexible and able to widen more quickly to increase circulation. As we age, less nitrite oxide happens in our cardiovascular system. If we have a decrease in nitrite oxide, this can cause heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and stroke.

Increase In Nitric Oxide

An increase in nitric oxide will result in a better cardiovascular test score. To increase nitric oxide, eat vegetables high in nitric oxide. These include; celery, arugula, lettuce, beetroot, cress, and chives, to name a few. Having foods containing nitric oxide helps with athletic performance and heart health. In addition, it decreases blood pressure, improving the Ai Doctor’s cardiovascular test score. In addition, increasing the body’s ability to have more antioxidants through supplementation and having foods high in vitamins and minerals will improve circulation. For example, vitamin C helps form tissues, brain cells, and nerve cells in the body. Vitamin E helps boost healthy cell production, decreasing cancer cell risk. Lastly, glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants and helps detoxify the cells so they can produce more optimally.


The cardiovascular test score will show the heart’s health in a 3D model of the heart. The users scored from a good score in green, an average score in yellow, and a poor score in orange. The Ai Doctor scored this user’s cardiovascular test score as a good score of 83. At the bottom of the assessment, it will indicate endothelin evaluation, including how stiff the arteries are via the stiffness and augmentation indexes.

Normal Range

The reflection index demonstrates the likelihood of cardiovascular events. The range is from 0 to 100. The green is the normal range from 0 to 60, 60 to 80 is the abnormal range, and 80 to 100 is the critical range. Suppose any value is in the vital range in the cardiovascular test score. In that case, further diagnostic testing from a licensed cardiologist should be performed as soon as possible. This user ranges for all three values; stiffness index, reflection index, and augmentation index reflect as normal in the 50’s range.

Systolic Time

In the cardiovascular test score, the systolic time represents ventricular functioning. A ventricular is the heart’s lower chambers that pump the blood out of the heart into the circulation system. The time frame is characterized by the left ventricle ejection of the blood time, the pre or before ejection of the blood, and the combined overall ratio. This user’s score is in the normal range in the 50s. Therefore, systolic time is a crucial indicator of circulation and cardiovascular output. Lastly, blood pressure, or the pressure of the blood pumping in the veins, is represented as heart rate or the rate at which the heart beats per minute. These values give an overall picture of the heart’s health by vascular age. In the cardiovascular test score, the age of the heart should be close to the person’s age. In this user, it is 20, and the user’s age is 28. This means that their cardiovascular strength is excellent.